
Selective Timber Harvest and Trout Habitat Improvement on CLC-Owned Lands in the Summer of 2017

The Chocorua Lake Conservancy (CLC) plans to initiate two projects on CLC-owned lands this summer. The first will be the selective cutting of timber on the Forrester A. Clark Preserve and the second will be the initial groundwork necessary to begin improving native brook trout habitat in Allen Brook on the Scott Preserve.

NRCS Grant and CLC Volunteers Provide Habitat for Birds

NRCS Grant and CLC Volunteers Provide Habitat for Birds

This winter volunteers set up four wood duck boxes on three CLC properties. The nest boxes were built by Tamworth resident, Thad Berrier, and are part of our grant from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture to support habitat work.