
Managing Land for Climate Resilience: NRCS EQIP CSAF Forestry Contract for the Browne, Greenough, VerPlanck Forest

Managing Land for Climate Resilience: NRCS EQIP CSAF Forestry Contract for the Browne, Greenough, VerPlanck Forest

On CLC’s recently acquired Browne, Greenough, VerPlanck Forest property, we are making strides to manage the land with climate-smart practices for current and future climate resilience.  

Climate & Community program series update

Climate & Community program series update

 Early in 2022, Chocorua Lake Conservancy (CLC) and Cook Memorial Library (CML) met with a group of interested community members to discuss climate program possibilities. Since then, with inspiration from that group and continuing conversations with folks around the community, we have been convening an ongoing program series called Climate & Community (C&C). 

New Hampshire, New Normal—replay and resource list

New Hampshire, New Normal—replay and resource list

A big thank you to Dr. Mary Stampone and to everyone who attended “New Hampshire, New Normal,” and join the conversation. You can find the replay and program description here, and links to resources Mary mentioned.